Sunday, May 29, 2011

Role Model Initiative....Spread the word

Hello everyone,
Greetings from Koln,Germany where I am writing this blog for tonight. I hope that you all are doing well, and were able to have some quality family time today. One thing that I love about Germany is that on is all about family time. As I arrived from the airport I was able to watch from the car families walking hand in hand, mothers playing in the near by fields with their children or families just sitting and enjoying the fresh air. Wow if only we did more of that in the was an amazing site to see.
I am happy to share with you all a new group in which I am apart of called the RMI- which stands for the Role Model Initiative, headed up by a friend of mine who wanted to capture what being a role model stands for and how it can help others in positive ways.

Please check out this site

How many of you have had a special someone that you may have looked up to, or used as inspiration as you try to attain a goal? We all can probably answer yes and give the reasons of why this person played a role. At some point in my life I have had role models and now as an athlete I see myself as a role model for others. I can remember an athlete stating that they don't feel obligated to be seen as a role model, but in my eyes you should. In the world of athletics, people of all ages are admiring you, wanting to be like you and look up to you. As I represent my country in various international and domestic track meetings I always remember to be and do like how I would want to be seen. I enjoy the challenge and the positive outlook of being a role model.

It gives me the opportunity to allow others to see my work, passion, drive and determination. It allows others to also feel a sense of connection and a push that they to can succeed at whatever the dream may be. So I challenge you all....check out the site, please pass on to all who you know. Let's come together and help advance the Role Model Initiative.

Vielen Dank
Thank you very much

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