Monday, June 7, 2010

Ok It's June 7th..........

Hey everyone,
Well time sure does fly by fast. I am happy to say that Brooklyn is now 10 months old and boy is she doing a lot. She took her first steps on 6/6/2010 and Chris and I were sooooo happy! Our little girl is just growing and growing! Hey soon she will be sprinting on the track with mommy and daddy.

Just in case you all have not had a chance to keep up with what I have been doing, this Blog will be my update blog. My mom was sick for quite a while, actually several months and now is getting back to her normal self. She has had to start dialysis and she is one strong cookie. I prayed to God that he would help her through these rough times and he sure did. She is alive and here to see all the things that Brooklyn will accomplish. YEAHHH, so our goal for her is to keep her out of the hospital!!!

I have been training for 9 months now and it has been mentally hard and challenging. I ran in Puerto Rico a month ago but was slightly injured with a knee issue. I did not do well at all and came home and got some help. I found a good ortho and they set me up with physical therapy and boy was it intense. I have finally been able to work out successfully for the past 3 weeks with no pain. I am excited to see what I can run now that I am healthy. Practice times have improved and I am glad to see progression. I think for now it was hard to realize that I am not Olympic Mary anymore, I am someone different now. That was a memory and something that will definitely push me towards my new venture. I am working hard each day, trying to get my strength in the weight room to what it use to be, working my core hard and really just pushing myself. I do have a lot to prove and I pray that it works out.

I do plan on attending the USATF Outdoor Nationals in Des Moines, Iowa. I hope that they take my mark since I have only ran 1 400 meter race this outdoor season. I hope that as the season progresses that my times will drop down to the 51's and then to the 50's. Faster times will allow for me to get into better meets and I am still not sponsored by anyone at this time. I have ran 53.01 so far and I know I have more in the tank. So fans please keep cheering me on, and if you believe in prayer, Pray for me also. Thanks again for being a huge support.

Best Wishes!!
Love, Mrs. Wineberg

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